Saturday, November 22, 2008

Things that make me content right now...

Being curled up in a blanket on my sofa with a cup of tea and a good book to read after I finish this post.

The fact that its almost freezing outside,and that most of Europe had some snow , increasing chances that it might snow here too.

That I can sleep in tomorrow.

Knowing that I'm invited to a Thanksgiving party tomorrow to D's place, and thus dont have to be alone Sunday eve.( the only night of the week where it rally bugs me to be without DF)

Having two weeks holiday in January to look forward too.

the caramel-au beurre sale ice cream i just had.

the fact tat after months those flowers actually grew some roots.

The fact that DF gets me (and my obsessions) and bought me Chantelle lingerie sets on, we so shouldnt have , but shoes lingerie, magazines,macaroons, just a few things i can't resist. Then again it was master O. who said 'I can resist everything except temptation'

And on that note .... Have a lovely Sunday!

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