Wow I just got off the phone with my mom and she told me something that completely knocked the wind out of me.
But first to the explanation for not posting this past week , but I've had social engagements almost every single evening after work and as that is when I usually post, it just got delayed.It has been an incredibly fun week of dinners, movies , brunches seeing friends and meeting new ones and at any other time I'd elaborate about the details,but my mother just called me to say that she has spoken to the costumer relations person at the castle where we were going to get married.
She was meaning to make an appointment to sign the contract and do a downpayment but apparently not only is the lady on holiday for the next 3 weeks , it also turned out that they are planning major biulding work for the next year (as in when our wedding would take place). Not renovation , but building an entire hotel into the Chateaux's parc.So I'm a bit spinning . Not only are our save the date's already printed but building work could mean anything from no major disruption and disfigurement to full on search for new venue!! As the ceremony is in a chapel and the dinner in a gala room it wouldnt be major if they're buildig in the parc its just that we were meant to have dancing in the courtyard, and although it's going to be dark, I don't want to dance next to major building equipment understandibly. Oh well I guess I thought that doing it at that place would make things easier but I will need to just find out more details about this project. And here we go yet another problem I have to solve whilst countries away. Just one of those moments when I wish I already had a wedding planner to take care of things.
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