I thought I'd have absolutely nothing wedding related to write tonight until... I checked stylemepretty.com got on a link to www.masonjarfilms.com and watched random couples beautifully filmed wedding videos. Makes me feel slightly stalkerish and takes wedding obsession to new heights I guess, but the videos are just so gorgeous! I was always against having a video of my wedding as I hate to see myself on film. Except every bride I know who has gone through it tells me to have one made as usually it turns out to be ther most cherished memorandom after the photos. What bugs me a bit is that I actually have a friend that is a budding documentary maker and I even asked if she'd like to do it but she refused saying that it takes her too long to edit and she never gets these stuff done. Hmm am a bit peeved about the refusal, its not like I would have expected sthing Oscar worthy. ( that reminds me of the cameraman I dated before DF , the dude actually has an Oscar though asking him might be considered bad form not least by DF:-) So I might end up without a Video having all the other costs mount up thats one part where I don't feel like splashing out.Having seen the masonjar films a bit sad though.
On another note , we're discussing leaving Paris for Brussels , or at least trying to as i'd first would have to find a job there. I don't think anyone takes these pronouncements of ours serious anymore as we tell our friends about moving to a different place every few months and well we're still in Paris. But Brussel has the big plus of being central in Europe with cheap rent and nice people. Or so I hear , other things I hear is that its boring and provincial. But honestly having dealt with Paris for the last few years slowig down a bit wouldn't hurt.Plus not spending 50% of the entirety of our income on rent sounds like a bit of an incentive to move.
what does this all have to do with the picture? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING , just like it!
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