Haven't written in a week so thought I'd pop by just for a quick update before the weekend as we are off to Amsterdam / Haarlem where my mom's civil ceremony-wedding takes place.
Good wedding related news is that my mom got the things the weding venue manager said confused and though they are revamping the park next year the big proper building work will only take place in 2010 . Phew ,huh who cares as long as it doesn't put my wedding date or place in question.
On another front a day after having placed my updated cv on monster again I got an interview which took place today after work. It was only the preliminary interview with the agency so nothing certain at all yet , all I kno its some boring company in export, just as far away from home mostly french team , but on the upside quite a bit better paid. Oh well I hope I'll get the choice in any case, as things are a bit dire at work , feeling a bit like last man standing with half the troup gone for holliday the other half giving birth or being fired. The joys of a french workplace...Things should pick up in September again and my cv is quite good, I'm hopeful.
Speaking of French I guess its time to sound off here about something that's been bugging me. The poor quality of french men!!! Oh there is nothing wrong superficially , except those 16 year olds hoarding allover the city with hair like cocks and jeans so skinny you can see their veins popping ... but hey I was about to bitch about the men not the boys, Cause lately it seems to me that Paris has become the place where chivalry comes to die.I know I'm from a supposedly 'uncultured ' eastern european country , but seriously Hungarian men might be machos and not of the most sharp kind ,but they do (most of them ) still have some of the old fashioned manners that seem to have died out around here. I've never encountered as much pushing and showing and not letting me go first like lately around here. I don't know I guess I should blame the mothers . What I do not understand is the paradox that while french children are often so much better behaved then American ones all American guys I ever encountered seem to have been perfect gentlemen in stark opposition to the frenchmen.OK enough of the complaining, next time I should just shout at them on the RER. But I swear if I ever have children and it turns out to be a son , I will raise him to be a perfect gentleman , that or gay , I guess it will turn out to be one or the other.
And on that note, a la semaine prochaine when I'm back with the lowdown of my moms wedding weekend. I guess its become another lets bash the french day... sorry about that.
pic is from a time when men knew how to act around a woman...
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