You guessed it ! I bought myself the shoes! The shoes that I'm meant to walk down the aisle in !! They are platinum & gold, 10cm high Louboutin with his signature red sole and were 40% off! That and the fact that DF (who was with me) loved them and the saleswoman gave us her blessing sold them.
Its weekend, I got shoes, I had a lovely day, ate at Laduree, so I'm happy. Last week wasn't easy.I was sleep deprived from travelling and the work had piled up while I was in Budapest plus surprise of surprises we got plumbing issues. In our Paris apartment , how original! Well not plumbing , but one of the pipes is leaking so the water has seeped down to our neighbours ceiling and the parket is coming up in our bedroom, fu**ing great!Our building is responsible for fixing it but this being France it takes them weeks to figure out a master plan. Meanwhile we are meant to close the main water whenever we aren't using it or not use water . period. The joy's of living in Paris!
So much on that, but managed to rise above it and enjoy our weekend, love waking up with DF on Saturdays and have a long lie in,had sushi for lunch then went for a cider at the bar formerly known as the lollipop.Liked it before now not so much new owners and it's become a bit too stark. Bought shoes and after DF went to work took myself ou for a tea & cake to Laduree. Because I'm worth it :-).And its the beginning of the month so I ain't broke yet.
Loved that DF came with me for choosing the shoe its already weird that I do the dress stuff without him. I'm usually dressing for myself but my wedding outfit is really and truly meant for him and he has no input in it.I guess at the end of the day even if he hasn't seen it, I'm sure he'll like my wedding dress. Or at least I hope so!I'm really happy I stuck to my guns on that one, my designer did a first sketch of a dress that was a mix of two designs I showed her. With a bit of roushing around the waist and lace around the bust. But now I'm happy I told her to make a second sketch of a simpler lace version without the roushing And I have my first fitting in August , can't wait.
I wanted to write a post about all the things that inspired me in the Croatian wedding, I just attended but I guess that one will have to wait till next time...
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