What is it about big life decisions like getting married that invites all kinds of people to forget their manners and offer their often rude and unsolicited advice. Everybody is entitled to an oppinion, that I get and being very oppinionated myself I know the itch to share it. BUT I think decisions like getting married , the size of your wedding, having a baby , how one raises their children etc should be off limits to advice giving.One should congratulte be happy for the other person or shut the hell up. I guess I should more often heed my own words but hearing a few 'friends' comments these days makes me more aware of how personal and hard to explain these decisions remain.
Like when at a dinner amongst friends on monday an older gay stylist aquintance upon hearing about my wedding plans cried out
" Married? Oh you are getting MARRIED???!!! But why??? Don't get married , you guys don't get married , its just so ..."
OK so I smiled and assured him that YES we indeed were seriously planning to get married .
Or even my very good friend whom I honestly love , just in passing posing questions like
" So you are really gettig married ? Are you sure? Why did you say yes?"
And that without any malicious intent ,well and without much tact but hey.
I think I chose well with DF , he's a good man, we share the same humour, he makes me happy and there are so many reasons why I think marriage with him is a great adventure and doesn't have to end badly or in years of anymosity. In any case the comments still bugged me. Why would I listen to an old bachelor or my friend who grew up amongst the ruins of her ambitious high-profile parents relationship ruins.
And yet no matter my faith in us , nobody sees into the future.But there's another commonplace truth and that is nobody knows what goes on behind closed doors. So my resolution is to try judge other people's relationshis less , and well care less about the comments.
picture from sexanthecitythemovie.com,
1 comment:
It kinda bugged me too babe. But there is no point getting annoyed about it because there are people that are against marriage in general... Love you.
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