The bachelorette party happened... as did the wedding. And though the early oganization might have been a tad chaotic, all worked out beautifully.That's what matters in the end we were all happy had a fun time and the bride and groom where glowing and in love and will hopefully get to chill out a bit before heading back to normality.
Unfortunately I don't have any pics of the bachelorette party as my cunning plan to jst take DF's hyper cool cameraphone backfired as I could not get it to take picures, but hey fun memories. The night started off by the bride being an hour late and th club/bar where we were meant to start off , having a singles speed dating event and thus no smidget of place left for us. But no worries after walking around for about half an hour we found a bar , we found enough seats for 16 parched girls and we could start with the gifts ...Though I think some shocked the bride less than some of her ultraconservative friends (niple pasties & sex dice anyone!?)Even though it was a weird mixture of midwestern US girls frenchies and other, It worked out great, and I still managed to haul myself to work the next day.
Saturday we had to get up fairly early for the wedding, I even defied DF who had a horror of getting the reputation of the late comers to weddings of all our friends.So we made it on the dot and I must say of all the ceremonies I've seen lately this priest was the most sympathetic and the sermon very touching. Then we hauled ourselves a cab to the reception site a restaurant right by the Canal St Martin and apparently (noted buy all the french guests) immortalized in a classic 60's frech movie.Food was lovely so where the speeches, funny touchinng n all that but the piece de resistance was the Pierre Herme macaroon tower. Seriously that thing was amazing . 300 macaroons (Olive oil & grapefruit, white truffel, and classic vanilla.)I was in heaven.
And really really want one for my wedding too except from Laduree and except I have no idea who and how would bring it over to Budapest , I mean NO IDEA!!!(and those babies have to be fresh and cool, like same day to 2 days) ah...
When the reception resumed DF and me decided to go home and change before the party started in the evening at the couple's house. So we did something super prosaic , bought two frozen pizzas to help align against the drinking of the evening (enntirely DF's fault I wasn't hungry ).
We got home ate the pizzas and fell asleep.
Then woke up (late of corse) managed to get dressed and ready to go, and had fun and some more macaroons at the party. I love being around my friends on their wedding day , so glowing so happy and just seeing them be happy about and with all the people around them is great. So for the time being all the grumpyness has vanished and I'lm really happy. It helps too that for the first time in quite a while I'm looking forward to a full weekend with DF . We'll be able to sleep in and just do mundane stuff together and invite friends for brunch.yeay!
The pictures are taken at the wedding but I really did not wanna put my friends on the spot without their permission, so no faces.(facebook friends can see the full album on my profile.BTW the dancing /hugging picture is not of the first dance but the Bride/ father of the bride dance.
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