Long long time since I last posted. Ok so it was only a week ago but still I feel guilty. My apologies all around . The job isn't bad or hard or such things but the shedule changes daily and I worked yesterday so another 6 day week, which sucks. On the upside get to go to the famed Dior private sale in November. There are legends around that private sale one has to have I.D.'s, Dior badges and wait in line for hours but if lucky the rewards are worth it , well I'm hoping.
Quite excited , last time I got to go to the Vuitton private sale was back in the day when I was working for Fashion File and it was amazing. I scored some python leather heels for 80 and a coat with fur collar that I adore and whose retail price was in the thoudsands(I got it for just a few hundred my score of the year 2006). Only problem is that I should really save all the extra money for wedding stuff. Unfortunately I doubt that will stop me.
There is also a Baby dior sale happening. Of course to me this should be completely irrelevant as I'm definitely not planning to have kids any time soon. But I love those little Baby Dior stuff, and apparently they sell them for 7 euros a piece . Asked my collegue to buy a bunch for me told her its for gifts , of course ;-).I guess I'll just hide them somewhere for the next 10 years or until the time comes...
Of course DF laughed at me for wanting to buy them.
He's right we are so not ready just this afternoon we spent with our friend on pont des arts swigging champagne from the bottle and making a fois gras tasting ,right on the bridge. Then off to eat some more at Chien qui fume and of course spent (again) way too much just cause I felt like fois gras poelee , though it was heavenly .Our friend P. then dragged me to watch Superblond or whatever that movie is called , by that time iI was drunk on champagne and sancerre . Thats my only excuse for watching that horribly bad movie. Though in the end of the day who cares she invited me for it and it was so so silly that it made for great girly bonding.
All in all not the worst day . Too bad I need to go to work tomorrow . And find something to wear to this weekends wedding. And find battery for my CANON. And find a club for bachelorette party , pick up shoes from shoemaker and and and ...
1 comment:
Just love reading your blog with Eddy. The collage pictures look great! Hope all is well with you and the wedding prep.
Love: Jols & Eddy from Australia
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