What a week!Survived it somehow.
The bad news is I can't go home for Christmas.It's a BIG DEAL for me. I know, I know its not exactly surprising , seeing that I'm working in a customer service job and we make most of our online sales in the period before Christmas . But when my boss categorically just informed us that nobody would be getting any holiday before the 27th I was heartbroken , at least a bit.
I was looking forward to going home for Christmas to Budapest for so long and though I guess it was naive of me , never thought it wouldn't happen. Christmas is so nice in our family , we have our rituals and there is no stress , just chilling out all of us together , cats and dog included, and eating well and maybe taking a trip to wine country on the Austrian boarder...I liked my boss until now but from now on in my mind at least she's the Grinch who stole Christmas. I'm being childish I know but turning 26 was enough growing up for one year , having to work at Christmas is a bit too much.
Anyway I'll stop the whining and try to see the positives of this whole misery, so this is what I came up with:
-For the first time I will be spending Christmas with DF ( he couldn't have come as the he has to workt Christmas too)
-We can start our own traditions.
-Tickets will be cheaper if I go in January
-Df will cook a delicious Christmas meal ( we are talking stuffed goose, or something equally fancy)and we can invite friends
-For the first time I have justification for going full out in decorating our little Paris apartment
-Mom and stepdad might drive over from Germany for a few days with Jackie (dog)
-For my friends back home I can buy Christmas gifts just after Christmas when everything is cheaper.
-I don't have to start to diet as soon ;-)as the dress fitting will be in January
OK thats it no more positives that come to mind, but if you guys can come up with some reasons why Paris christmas beats Budapest feel free to cheer me up :-)
Oh and one thing that is definitely makes me happy is the ticket currently residing on my nightstand , the invitation to fashion's holy grail ,the vente privee invite for Dior (though DF pointed out that the nr1 holy grail would be an invite to Chanel's private sale)in any case its next week and I'm hopeful I'll score.ha am not materialistic at all...