Today after lunch with DF in a Brasserie at Odeon he went off to work and I decided to look for some sensible ballerinas ,in a colour that would match all my stuff , aka gold.And I looked and looked and looked ... but either they didn't have it in my size or I couldnt bring myself to spend more than 50 on flats. So I decided to pop into the LV store at St Germain to see if I could afford a little black bag for my mummy's Birthday. Than did something stupid, went to the Assouline shop got completely sidetracked and bought yet another coffe table book on weddings. DF will be annoyed and I know I could have just bought a wedding magazine instead but its soooo pretty and cool.Kinda like a beautiful hardcover version of wedding Vogue.(if such a thing would exist.)
I also found the perfect gift for all my girlfriends that are amazing hostesses and love to throw parties.I have two in mind already, just have to wait for the occasion. And another book, that I'll buy myself at some other time written by Lee Radziwill, Jackie O.'s sister.I saw her once at a fashion show and she must be in her 70s but so beautifully preserved and the epitome of classyness and elegance.Spoke to her on the phone once too, back when I worked in fashion PR, she was quite charming.
Though I haven't scored any clothes today at least I'm having a fun evening looking through "Weddings Of Style" , and getting inspired.I pity my future wedding planner already , so does DF :-) .
all images from assouline.com
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