So happy its the weekend, but in a good mood generally, I spoke to A. the photographer yesterday, and as far as I can tell from a ten minute conversation he seems like a great guy and a person I would like to have at my wedding. And what's most important, I completely agree with what he said about the way he thinks about wedding photography.
Then for dinner I met up with my Philippina friends and it turned into a very fun girls night out.Nothing crazy, just Japanese dinner then went for drinks at the bar of Drouant, such a stunning restaurant.All in cream, gold and dark wood,(I'm thinking of asking DF to take me there for our 2nd anniversary dinner) and my friends flatmate works there so the bartenders were really friendly, though that might have had something to do with the fact that we were four cute girl.All in all a very Sex & the City night, except for the fact that we weren't exactly on the hunt for men.
Today after work I finally checked out the bookshop DF kept telling me about.I usally prefer WHSmith on Rivoli , it has the best magazine selection and is so comfy. I still remember how one of my friends and me spent an entire afternoon just siting on the floor hording all kinds of books together and leafing through them.
But no matter how much I love'em I think their books are way overpriced and just ordering on amazon doesnt give me the same satisfaction.I love browsing in bookstores, so today was fun.DF was right, I bought five books for 25 eur. The shop is right by St Michel, and called Gibert Jeune, I missed the magazines and comfyness of WHSmith,but it has a good selection and great prices, plus I got a book for every occasion.A new Allende book cause I've been craving her colourful writing, then Auster for when I'm in the mood for some American melancholy, Stephen Fry for his british zest and because I know DF will enjoy it, and a chick lit book as guilty in-the-morning-on-the-metro reading pleasure.Plus for my most Barby-sque girlfriend back home I couldn't pass up Confessions of an Heiress by Paris Hilton, for 5 euro,its hilarious and I know she will love it.
So here is my reading list :
Isabel Allende : Ines Of My Soul,
Stephen Fry : The Liar
Tane Green: Babyville
Paul Auster : The New York Trilogy.........and well the Paris Hilton one.
But I wish I had the money to just send a copy of J.R. Moehringer's The Tender Bar to all my friends, its my absolute favourite, so beautiful and well written.Plus it's the perfect preent for all kinds of guys, fiancee, guyfriend, ex-lover, stepfather, I think they'd all enjoy it.
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