I have been horribly neglective of my blog for the past few days and will make up for it now.Partly I didn't write because the job interviews and waiting for an outcome situation didn't let me.So it's official I have two job offers and have to decide in the next few days which one to take. Im only a bit sad, my number one choice is only coming along slowly and I'm afraid that I will take another one just by default if things there don't speed up. One of the jobs offered is way too far out of the city and the money they offer for what is pretty much a ten hour a day job is not impressive to say the least. So it looks like I will take my second choice. The positives are that the pay is fine and lets me save a bit each month,it's still far (about an hour each way)but not nearly as bad as the other , and the team seems nice and international,plus they work on flexi-time (meaning I have a set amount of hours a week to work but I can decide how I make them work, which means I won't have to get up at 6 if im willing to work a bit longer in the afternoon).Of course nothing is set yet, and I haven't given up hope on the other job , that is in Paris and with a company I like. Just hope my agent gets it together this week.But if all works out well I will be working by the end of next week.
Which brings me to today and the weekend , I feel like I'm savouring my last days of freedom , so quite a few fun things happened.Last Saturday DF took me to Sephora, we had a 20% discount with our Sephora card and said the magic words:"Honey whatever you need for the next few months just buy it now!"So I shopped...and shopped...and shopped.Poor DF didn't know that you dont utter those words to a beauty product junkey ;-)and got the bill.But I was so happy he didnt say much.Of course I will have to pay him back a bit otherwise it would have been just a bit too much for him to bear. I got two perfumes, one day;Daisy by Marc Jacobs and one evening; the new Gucci, lots of Clinique skin care which I always use, I.D.Bare Minerals foundation instead of my usual MAC because everybody is raving about it, a heated lash curler and I think more but I can' remember.Then we went to the Fumoir to meet with a friend.
Yesterday J. my friend from high-school and future bridesmaid was in town from London and we went to a tapas bar in rue Mouffetard with her and her sista (who lives here) and friends.It was lovely seeing her, so funny how its mostly my high-school friendships that have stayed strong.It was fun as always and as she is the one who would be bringing the silk for the bridesmaids dresses from India I implored her to not forget.I so hope she will be able to, otherwise I dont know how to do it. I want my bridesmaid to match but don't want to buy them all the same dress, so I thought my idea with the fabric would be great but who knows.
Today I went to my special museum: Le Bon Marche, also known as Mekka..where I belong.Its my favourite department store, much more so than Galerie Lafayette beacause its less touristy and calmer especially on weekdays its a completely soothing experience.DF thinks I'm crazy, he gets depressed if he's goin to LBM without shopping but I love it.It has to do with the way I shop though, I always look first then sleep on it , then go back and get it if I still think of it the next day.And I saw many many lovely things today.The perfect camel leather jacket for example(960eur from JOSEPH)a birthday gift for mommy (lil black leather bag+Tiffany ring)possible wedding shoes from DIOR...and so much more.But came home happy despite not having bought anything.Except a bag of Kettle chips at the Grand Epicerie, hmmm so good!
Sorry this was a long one.
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