Sooo I've worked for 6 days straight have a budding cold and pretty nearly lost my voice this morning (not ideal in a phone job, though it did give my voice a sexy edge).
All is good though my mood is so much better, the week is over, we have 7 cases of champagne in our apartment, and new couch table( from my philipino friend S.) DF cooked corn chowder and we popped open a bottle. Must say it helps with the throat issues so I think we'll just keep on drinking over Christmas. Just have to make sure enough of it reaches Hungary for the wedding ... no worries there is another load of 10 cases coming.
Monday left my key succesfully at home again and with DF working at nights it wasn't too ideal but my bourgois next door neighbours and then my friend D took me in.I felt a bit like a stray cat for the eve and DF didn't finish too late.
Tuesday nite was going out with philippino princess S. who's in town just for a few weeks, she just moved back home and is building her own cooking school / food empire. I'm pretty sure she'll become something like the philippino Martha Stewart, though at the moment she's going through a quarter life crisis. Its hard feeling bad for someone who leads such a charmed existence as she but over mint juleps at Experimental Cocktail Bar (over at Monteurgeil) I almost succeded at it. And though she is ubernaturally pretty with a perfect hubby, apartment in Paris , house in Pinoy and so on... she's one of the loveliest people I know (oh yeah and great fashion sense).Can't wait to visit them an be their houseguest next year , have a feeling that she's going be the perfect hostess; Just wish the feud between her and one of my bridesmaids would stop already.If not no problems with two pairs of friends feuding we might just get a few funny stories to tell out of it.
Oh and I finally signed a CDI (contract duree indeterminee ) at work. For the non Parisians thats the famed french contract that means its pretty damn impossible to fire you. Though of course still don't know how they'll like my idea of taking off a month for the wedding.Their Christmas party was classy at least , we all got a bottle of Champagne and had lots of Laduree macaroons , gotta love Paris at times!
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