Another workday over , and my family arrived from Germany in the evening, with a suitcase full of sausages.
Not kidding our fridge has enough sausages to feed 10 hungry kids for about a week. And sweets. And cold medicine and gifts that are piled up under our little Christmas tree now. And Jackie our doggie who is peacefully sleeping at my feet while I write this. Mom and stepdad already left back to their hotel and though its not the same Christmassy feeling as it would be back home and makes me long to go back a bit, I'm happy that they are here.
Its lovely having Jackie with us for a few days its much nicer waiting for DF to come home with a doggie by my side.
Oh and yeah finally my camera works again.
So I can introduce Jackie ... and I'll try documenting her trip to Paris in the next few days. Though for the moment she is rather sleepy.
Pooor world-travelling dog.
Oh yeah and since this post is already all about the dog I couldn't resist but adding another pic of Jackie back home with Marci the cat.
Have been to lazy to deal with things lately so no wedding specific news for the moment. (Except DF made our wedding a facebook event, completely ridiulous!!!)
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