Am really exhausted. Poor mummy just called and I was so not up for talking to her. Usually I love chatting about everything n anything , she is after all my favourite person in the world. But when I'm on the phone all day with random people, I just dont wanna have phone conversations in my free time as well.But hey Friday is holliday in the UK n Germany so I'm FREE!!
Just had dinner with one of my newish friends here in Paris n we were talking of what is on top of our wishlist right now. Mine is topped (besides all the wedding stuff) by this vanity.Somehow having a vanity just epitomizes becoming a real woman to me. It just beats everything, to have an entire table devoted just to beautifying rituals.Also it is very nostalgic to me.My mum is a very fuss free woman,(not much make-up, no heels)it was at my German grandma's house , where I spent most of the summers of my childhood , that I discovered all the rituals that make woman.She took me with her everywere, to the facialist pedicure, massages...it was so fascinating for me as a little girl.
And she had a vanity,it was like wonderbox , all those nooks and crannies full of jewellry, belts, gloves. The perfume bottles all lined up neatly , the bowls full of her ear-clips (it was after all the 80's) long pearl and gold necklaces hanging off the mirror.I was busying around it for hours. Once all her hair equipment inspired me to cut my own hair... now that was a tragic day;-)I tried on her jewellery , the cheap stuff, but also knew where to look for the more exciting things.No wonder poor DF has to buy me jewellery for almost every occasion.( AND I'm quite fussy)
Anyway but I really miss her she was such a formidable woman , always in high heels,with fuchsia pink coat, or some other carefully selected outfit.Back than in eastern Germany quite an effort. And she always bought mum n me lots of clothes , that we all tried on in a family fashion show after shopping trips :-)Her natural hair was the same thick dark brown hair as me, but I have never in my life seen her other than platinum blonde.And though she had her annoying habits , I so wish she was still around , I know she would love to see me marry and help prepare the wedding.So back to the vanity, I feel like somehow once I'll have mine I will feel a bit closer to becoming the lady that was my grandmother.
Dont know what brought on the nostalgia , I think it might have to do with the fact that I speak German all day, brings back memories somehow.
Ps. I found the perfect one too on www.bathroomgraffity.com see pic but with 870 eur it's way over my budget for indulgences at the moment ;-(
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