My lovely quaint shopping day got twisted a little when I got two phone calls this morning. So I had a temp agency calling me just after DF left, offering me a three week job where I have to update a database in German. 10 min after I get another call instant interviewing me for a job at this internet company called ventes-privee.com. It's basically a website offering private sales (fashion, cuttlery anything but good names) online to invited members.They apparently want to open sites in Germany and the UK and are looking for somebody coordinating here with the fashion houses etc and the German site. I dont know details yet but it sounds great and seems to have some German knowledge involved. It just a bit sad cause after the last desaster with an interview in French (didn't get the job btw) I barely hope that this one will work out, and this one would actually fit nicely into my field, experiences etc , but hey no harm in trying.So tmrw afternoon is the interview and thursday I would already start the temp job. Its an hour from here, outside the city, plus I dont neccesarily look forward to being on the phone all day , but at least its in german and I get out of here n earn a little bit of money. (very little!) But the great thing is that the calls show that monster.com actually works!
DF is happy for me , only a bit disgruntled that he won't have Friday with me, his free day ths week.Honestly I dont mind so much, quite a few days of the last week when he was at home in the afternoon he barely spoke to me, just doing his brokering stuff on FOREX. So I have the feeling that he takes me and the fact that I'm around so much for granted. Well now for 3 weeks we'll only see each oher on weekends and after midnight.We didnt have any other problems lately and everything else goes quite smoothly, but hey we are only engaged,if he doesnt appreciate my presence now than when will he?!
Anyway after my interview at the temp agency I did go and buy myself that dress and silk blouse, DF loves both and so do I. The dress is perfect for all occasions, I will wear t to the interview tmrw, and the blouse is perfect for drinks wth friends and not too sey , so it can go anywhere, with a skirt even to work.Love the dark blue colour too,its so cute with gold jewellery n classy with pearls. But ZARA hOME really pissed me off, I get that they have a new collection of Home accesories but the china, for God's sake!plates brake, n I dont want to always buy a new set, uhh will have to think of sthing for the brunch. I have 11 guests n only 5 plates of each size.At my friends B-day party last year she had nice bamboo party plates, but really dont remember where she found them. oh well
I f I work Thurday n Friday won't have too much time to worry bout it. Have so many stuff I would love to fix and beautify in our apartment but we just never get round to it. On merthastewart.com I found these lovely images of pretty much my dream living room and bedroom. Tho DF might find the bedroom a bit too girly budoir. Hopefully one day....
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