Got a new found respect for all those corporate wives doctor's wives and all the others who never get to see their men. I'm not complaining, I've had some lovely times with friends lately and easing back into managing my time seeing friends and such ( and still planning to go back to the gym- hopefully next week) but its hard on the relationship to only have one day a week, not even. Currently hubby is working 11 am to 3am with only a 45 min break 6 days a week with only Thursdays off. I of course work Thursdays so its only the evening..I just miss spending time with my husband hanging out, cooking together , being silly, having friends over for dinner. Not to mention that occasionally get sick off keeping everything afloat at home (and that's without kids pets and a big house) Good news is that its for a limited time and financially totally worth it. Now of course I wish I wouldn't worry bout hubby getting keeling over from exhaustion.
On a happier note I got to take one of my lovely bridesmaids to her patisserie blow-out (came as a perk of the bridesmaids job). It was so great we had our StHonore with a side of macaroons for her and a side of cupcake for me. Its officialLaduree cupcakes take the cake ! Best ever, maybe not the traditional simple cupcake with butter cream, but so pretty and sumptuous 3 layered fruit / jelly/ butter cream filling inside. Worth every penny of the 7,50 Euro. Which et me tell you is the most I ever paid for a cupcake.
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