Read a very interesting article on nytimes.com today about German traditions around childcare their reform and working mothers VS stay at home ones. Not really a problem for us at the moment but it made me think. We often discuss the options with W. and friends once we actually decide to have a child in a few years. Personally I would love to stay at home for the first three years if at all possible and then go back to work ideally part–time or try to find a way to work from home. I don’t think kids as such are a “get out of work free card“ but the first three years are important for bonding and if I finally decide to have kids I want to be there to experience them. I just hope it will be financially possible. Oh yeah and I live in France where most women come back to work after maybe 12 weeks and I don’t see that as being so great for families and parent kid relations. So there. that’s my two cents but then again everybody should do what they feel is right for them.
image martha stewart weddings
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