Week was had quite some ups and downs.But hey survived it and I guess hope still lives on in the end. I'm all for change when it comes to Americans electing Obama like 90% of all Europeans I guess.
But seriously in my professional life need a bit less change , andn more constancy. So this Tuesday all hell broke loose at work when the Dior people announced in a meeting with our boss that they will not continue the contract with our company after Dec.30th. So yeah we were all shocked and scared for our jobs. I mean that is huge bad news, Dior has been doing their customer service with this company for 5 years . It was kind of ironic going to the Dior private sale on the brink of becoming unemployed , and spending like no tomorrow , then again who knows when one gets the chance again.
And the week ended with a rosier outlook as our boss told us that chances are good, we will all be kept and working on the newly signed Hermes team. Would suit me just fine, prefer Hermes to Dior anyway, so fingers crossed. Anything is better tha n looking for a new job in this economy and 6 months before the wedding.
The private sale though was worth the getting up at 5am the wait outside for two hours, the bounty was fine!;, A white leather bag for about 10% of its original price some gorgeous flats with crystal detailing (for the dancing bit of the wedding) some camel summer heels, a valet, lingerie , and I couldnt resist a little Baby Dior dress. Completely pointless but hey just hope by the time we'd use it, it won't be completely eaten by moths.
Of course there were raks and raks of amazing John Galliano for Dior evening gowns and summer dresses and even wedding dresses. But honestly they started at 300 and went up to 700, still a bargain compared to their original price but it just seemed more sensible to buy stuff that get worn than one evening dress that has to sadly sit in my wardrobe for most of the year. That and the fact that John Galliano's dresses are mostly bias cut and very slinky . Great for tall skinny girl with no boobs . But curvy girls need structure, so nothing for me. Sadly.
So excited about getting out and going to London tomorrow ,really looking forward to seeing friends and even DF's family anything to get a bit of a break of Paris.was at WHSmith today getting some magazines for the trip and gift books an fell in love with the Domino book of decorating, wish I had my proper home already there is just so much effort I will put in a rented apartment , the wallfull of paintings and silhuettes and the fancy wallpapers will have to wait. Sometimes phantasize of the things that one could do with my parents-in-law to be's house in Wimbledon. Classic english house huge and so lovely , but in dire need of some redecorationg.Guess my mom's interiour decorating genes come through.
All images from dominomag.com. such amazing decorations!
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