Am a bit disappointed on the whole in everything I hate it if through people around me or even myself I get my hopes stuck on something and then they are disappointed . This goes for everything jobs, photographers, honeymoon...
My collegues are nice its just that in the interviews they positively tried to sell it to me and make out to be sooo great. Then I have lunch with a girl whose been working there for a while and she sounds quite a bit disillusioned. So that.
Its not helping that DF is a bit disillusioned by his new work too. So we ain't happy campers.
And I heard through DF that our possible honeymoon to Cali fell through. It was always going to be a huge favour to us , so I knew that there was a chance for it not working out and we will find something else that will be great . But yeah I am a bit sad. Having never been to the States it would have been cool and special. Anyway we'll go one day together. Well and instead we'll have great long trip to the Philippines next Christmas. I still se ourselves cruising down the Cali coast in a blue convertible , stopping by at Doris Day's inn.. oh well.
The only good news I can come up with today is the fact that DF has some inside scoop from costumers that LV will bring out the neverfull bag in damier this November. This might not cheer up some of you but it sure made me happier when I heard it . I hate the logoed LV bags (against anything logoed sauf CHANEL) but love the neverfull and wanted to get me one , but so far they only exist in logoed LV. So for Christmas the damier version is on top of my wish list.
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