Have no idea why I just came up with this title but hey it sounds great , simmered down from yesterday though still feel a bit like we're in some rat race towards that eternally elusive state of having the perfect apartment job and city to live in . On the other hand at least we have each other and, well Paris ... a bit sentimental but so what! Sometimes all the minor /major issues take over and I have to stop myself for a moment to take in the fact that we have this great life in this great city. In other words I got off the RER a stop earlier today, bought a few books and walked over the Ile de la Cite. It was beautiful dusky-golden sunset light over the Ile, water and Seine banks. Made me feel at peace with the world again .
As for the subject of jobs I had another interview this morning for the client relations associate for Dior Couture thing , and another one to go with the Dior lady on Friday . Seems a bit like much ado about nothing to me. Yes I'm excited about possibly returning to the lxury/ fashion field . But no they wouldn't pay me amazingly , and the clients you get in these kinds of job are the worst kind of demanding . But hey I guess let them properly offer it to me first.
Other news is that my bridal party has grown again . Starts to become a bit ridiculously big , but what can I do I love to include all the girls I adore. So I now have not only 5 gorgeous bridesmaids but also 3 flower girls . Its DF's cousin's girls and they are adorable the smallest is 2years old the next 4 and the one after 7. I was originally just considering choosing the middle one as flower girl. She's the spunkiest most lively and adorable little girl and we bonded last time at DF's sisters wedding . But then how could I only choose her and not include her equally sweet sisters so now there are three. I think they will have flower galands on their heads and sashes from the same fabric as the bridesmaids.I'm excited about them being involved and so is their mommy, besides everybody loves flower girls and they make for amazing pictures.
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