Wow Its Thanksgiving already , although I have no American bone in me , have never even been to the States , its still my favourite self-elected holiday . I'm of the belief that one should just go with the holidays that speak to one , and thus i love it when y American friends invite me for their Thanksgiving diner and the spirit of feasting without gilt on pumpkin pies and turkey and giving thanks for all the blessings.
Blessings lately include having finally quit my job that hasn't made me happy for a long time now,having the full support of my family in this decision, husband finding a new job that not only has a perspective but actually surprised himself by liking it and yeah I'm going home for Christmas and will look at possible apartments to buy in Budapest, oh yeah and friends, the one's that write E-mails, keep in touch , throw parties, support us ... So there quite a few pretty great blessings there. Now all I need is a piece of pumpkin pie to reach total bliss ..