Can it be ? Can it be that after all the planning and prepping and money spent and my unwavering enthusiasm for all things images, magazines and details wedding , we finally hit the point of wedding fatigue. Yes me and DF both of us , literally just want to get it over with .Enough of spending money, worrying about details, stressing about guests and bridesmaids and family and catholic and French bureaucracy. We are still excited , but with only 8 weeks to go we want the time to pass already , the day to come to know who is coming and to celebrate!
We got our date for the town hall wedding yesterday, its June 5th in the afternoon which neatly places all of it in one month and we have May to chill out and prepare.
It’s true that if we haven’t had waited this long we wouldn’t have that wedding we imagined the whole lovely fairytale , but if it could have been helped I think a shorter engagement( if only by half a year) would have been better.
We are looking forward to just get on with life , travelling, maybe looking for an apartment in Paris ( now that’s a new project!), maybe find a new job around autumn, or look into mowing abroad.
So there, until then I’m trying to enjoy my last weeks as a fiancĂ©e I have a feeling I’ll miss it a lot once its over.
peony bouquet from googleimages.