Happening last few days , work then …. friends over for impromptu dinner… going for marriage prep course , and last nite was spent on my friend kc’s film set , they were on their last day of shooting and we had fun going from location to location eating sushi in the van , her rehearsing her lines? very enlightening seeing my friend at work like that . When I worked for fashion file before, we were shooting fashion shows for TV , so not completely unfamiliar with the effort it takes to get the cameras up and in place , the right light , angle etc , but still surprised how much work goes into a scene of a few minutes. Love the feel of film sets though, the team , and how it comes together for a scene. I guess it’s what I used to enjoy about the fashion shows. When you know the work that it takes those few minutes of perfection are so much more precious. I guess I should go into production…
We got our rings , mine’s so delicate , very tiny eternity set diamonds and things in Budapest seem to be on track even if largely over budget , oh and we finally booked our honeymoon, not Cali , the Maldives or a sailing trip , but nevertheless I think the med in June is pretty foolproof and fun and a boat (albeit of slightly larger proportions) is involved which alone makes me happy . So we are going to Barcelona staying for a few days then 12 days on sea. C A N T. W A I T.
Pressure is mounting at work , our contract is finishing in June ( great timing ) and when I’m back who knows if I’ll even have a job or where . Applied for a position in New York , but who knows yet , papers for DF would be complicated , and well working without papers , not ideal. As usual que sera , sera, ..
image of capra from googleimages/capra